Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Song List for April 28th, 2015 show featuring Dick Kimmel and Jerilyn Kjellberg

Theme: "Down the Track" from Wayne Schmidt's CD "Waiting for Evaporation"

1. Joni Mitchell - You Turn Me On (I'm a Radio)

Live tunes in studio from Dick Kimmel and Jerilynn Kjellberg:

2. I Just Got Wise
3. Somebody Loves You Darling
4. Love Nobody But You

5. Adam Granger with Dick Kimmel at the Grande in New Ulm - I'm Hopin'

More tunes from Dick and Jerilynn:

6. Homeless and Heartbroken
7. Bonaparte Crossing the Rhine/Ducks on the Pond
8. I'll Never Forget You

9. Sheila Kay Adams - Lindsavarnna, Ireland

Dick and Jerilyn:

10. Kakabeka Falls Waltz

11. Beatles - Act Naturally
12. Bob Dylan - You Ain't Goin' Nowhere
13. Joni Mitchell - Carey

Dick and Jerilynn

14. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere
15. Mama and Poppa

16. Barton's Hollow - Been All Around This World

Final Tunes from Dick Kimmel and Jerilynn Kjellberg:

17. Dreamin'
18. Wildwood Flower

19. Joni Mitchell - Let the Wind Carry Me and Both Sides Now

Questions, comments, requests for future shows?  Leave them here or at Bruce Davis Folk Scene Etc, or email to dbdavis@hickorytech.net

Remember the numbers to pledge to the KMSU Transmitter fundraising pledge drive are 389-5678 or 1-800-456-7810.


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